Our Committee
Note-Orious has a committee that looks after the running of the choir. It's elected each year at an AGM. If you have any concerns about any aspect of the choir, feel free to approach the relevant member of the committee at rehearsals.
Andrew Sperling, Chairperson
The chair's job is to lead the choir and make sure we all get the practicalities sorted. They oversee the direction and running of the choir, represent us publically and lead committee meetings.
Rebecca Linssen, Choir Manager
The choir manager is the Note-Orious rehearsal and performance guru. From staging and planning where each member stands, to liaising with venues, they lead on presentation and sorting the practical side of choir life.
Sarah Palmer, Social Secretary
When we're not singing together, the members of Note-Orious are often playing together. The social secretary organises the Note-Orious socials and parties.
Susan Kane, Treasurer
The treasurer is responsible for the Note-Orious budget. They look after the choir's subscriptions and all aspects of our finances, including managing our charity collections at performances.
Anna Mulhern, Communications Manager
The communications manager maintains the Note-Orious website and Facebook page, as well as helping to publicise performances and find new members. Roles also include email communications and social media.
Sarah Palmer, Music Manager
The music manager looks after the music - which is pretty important for a choir! Sourcing arrangements, liaising with song selection and working closely with our MD. Without the music manager, there'd be no songs.